Thursday, September 20, 2012

Success Requires Planning

I’m at a point in my life where I realize my career path has already begun. The glory days of being a kid have ended and the future is depending upon the actions I make today. Throughout my childhood, I always dreamed about becoming successful. I remember telling my parents that I was going to become both a professional baseball and football player. I was maybe eight years old at the time, and I truly believed there was nothing I couldn't accomplish. Now at the age of 21, reality has informed me that neither the New York Yankees nor the San Francisco 49ers are willing to pitch me a contract anytime soon. Part of my childhood dreams seem to have been crushed. However, I realize success can come in many different paths. I am now studying finance at San Francisco State University in hopes of one day living a rich and famous lifestyle. Sorry to sound so blunt, but I want to live the rest of my life enjoying the finer things. That is why I choose to study finance, because I believe there is a lot of money to be made in this field. In my current finance courses I’m taking, I've been learning about the different financial career opportunities. Jobs involving a firm’s investment decisions and how to maximize shareholder value. I have recently been trading in the stock market and have found it to be very addicting. I'm constantly checking to see how my investments are doing, which has made me realize this career path seems like a perfect fit.

The question now is how do I get the job I want after I graduate? We as students always hear about these disturbing stories, how after college finding a job can be extremely difficult. I personally don’t want my career path to be paused after my diploma. So how do I keep the momentum rolling? Is keeping the good papers of fortune cookies in my wallet good enough? Because I know how regret can be a terrible feeling,  I’m trying to gain as much knowledge as I can to prepare myself for the real world. Hopefully it will increase my chances of working for a successful company. I recently just read an article on tips to becoming employed after college, you can check it out at Whether you are like me, planning to graduate this year or not, I think it is worth spending some time considering a plan of action after graduating.