Thursday, October 4, 2012

Creating a Professional Blog

    Viewing professional finance blogs is important for me to understand how to create an attractive blog site. I've been checking the financial blogs Time magazine has rated the 25 best. You can check them all out at,29569,2057116,00.html. What all 25 of these blogs have in common is their information is as current as it can get. For example the presidential debate was tonight and most of these blogs have a post about their opinion on it. Some of these blogs are more colorful than others. Blogs like and are full of pictures and videos. As a first time viewer it’s exciting to see how creative a blogger can be when designing their site. Other blogs have less color and more words filling the page. Blog sites like have less color, yet it has a cleaner cut feel. This particular blog site I found was easier to dive into the posts as there weren’t much pictures or videos to distract me. Whether the blog is colorful or not, it's the content that's going to keep listeners addicted. Because these are all finance blogs, everything is linked to financial logic. These blogs had posts linking the presidential speech and what its effects are going to be in tomorrow's market. Everything in a financial blog has to show the correlation between the topic and why it’s important to finance. Otherwise, the post is not worthy for the sake of the blog!
    So how can I create an attractive blog site, such as the professional ones? First off, I realize I'm not going to be able to have as much information on every current events like most of these professional blogs have.  I simply do not have the time to do that much research. Although, I can blog on current issues that have the greatest impact on the financial market. Therefore, right now I want to create a blog that someone can go to and get an overview of what major issues are impacting the market. 


  1. I do agree that sometimes putting too many videos and pictures will often distract my focus on reading a blog. However, linking pictures and videos that can strengthen a blog is one of the "adds-on" that should not be forgotten. In my opinion, colorful page that contains lots of related videos and images is what differentiate blog and article.

  2. Reviewing other blogs does help you a lot to see what you do and do not want to do with your blog. I like how you have decided that you are not going to overwhelm yourself and try to blog about all the current events that are going on in the financial world because frankly it is just too much to keep up with. By just sticking to details of the market it does allow stay on topic and have a main focus in your blog which allow your readers to know what to expect when they come to your blog and not have to dig through too much information.

  3. I do agree that looking at other blogs really does help in creating your own because by looking at those blogs you can get ideas of how blogging is supposed to look. However, I do agree with you that sometimes some blogs do have a lot of pictures and videos and not enough or sometimes barely any information which makes it a little difficult to grasp what the main point is. I think that after looking at blogs myself, it is a good idea to have a good balance of videos, pictures and information.
